
O-Tours PCO


O-Tours je među vodećim PCO / DMC agencijama u regiji. Djelujemo na tržištu od 1996. godine te imamo 15-godišnje iskustvo. O-Tours ima urede / poslovnice (BTC) u Zagrebu, Ljubljani i Sarajevu.
O-Tours PCO

Imate pitanje? Javite nam se!

Organizirate poslovno ili privatno događanje i zainteresirani ste za naše usluge? Pošaljite upit putem obrasca, naši djelatnici javit će vam se u najkraćem roku!

Osnovne informacije

O-Tours d.o.o. osnovan je 1996. godine. Od samog početka usko smo specijalizirani za organizaciju kongresa i poslovnih putovanja u zemlji i inozemstvu. Naš tim educiranih stručnjaka pomoći će vam da svoju ideju o poslovnom skupu pretvorite u stvarnost.

2000. godine postali smo partneri Hogg Robinson Group, jedne od najvećih travel mamagement kompanija u svijetu za teritorij Hrvatske, Slovenije i Bosne i Hercegovine.

O-Tours d.o.o. osigurava potpuni event management, uključujući pronalaženje mjesta održavanja skupa, rezervaciju smještaja, kreativni dizajn, najam tehnike, catering, hostese, prijevoz, logistiku...

Trudimo se biti najpouzdanija i najkreativnija event management tvrtka u Hrvatskoj uvijek pružajući visoke standarde kvalitete te najbolji omjer uloženog i dobivenog. Svakom projektu pristupamo na jednaki način bez obzira na njegovu veličinu i budžet. 

Prepustite nama brigu o tehničkoj organizaciji, a vi se bezbrižno posvetite svojim gostima.

- Professional Consulting and Planning
- Project Manager
- Budgeting
- The Making & Optimizing of Contracts
- Reservations (hotels, air tickets)
- Printed Materials
- Accounting
- Mailing
- Processing of Papers
- Exhibition Space Management
- Social Program
- Congress Secretariat & Clerical Work
- Conference Equipment & Technical Installations
- Congress Personnel
- Management & Monitoring at the Venue
- Final Rendering of Accounts

- Registration & Computerized Recording
- Multilingual Communication
- Lists & Analysis
- Name tags
- Preparation and Distribution of Congress Bags
- On-Site Registration & Congress Personnel
- On-Site Cashier’s Desk 

- Social Program
- Hiring of technical equipment for meetings
- Preparation of signposts and their placement
- Transfers
- Interpreters
- Photographers
- Floral decoration
- Excursions and activities (traditional and/or tailor-made
- Lunches
- Dinners (with or without entertainment)
- Welcome cocktail
- Coffee breaks
- Special Events
- Airline tickets - domestic and international airline (flight) tickets
- Exhibition Space Management (arranging rental from the hotels,
renting to the interested parties and/or conference members,
accounting and costs monitoring and reporting)
- co-ordination of members of staff  / assistance during the conference
- meet & assist at airport
- hotel check-in assistance, airport transfer assistance, registration desk personnel

O-Tours d.o.o. provide a complete event management, including finding a place of such meeting, booking, creative design, technology rental, catering, hostesses, transport, logistics ...

We strive to be the most reliable and creative event management company in Croatia still providing high standards of quality and the best ratio for money. We approach each project on an equal basis regardless of its size and budget

Let us worry about the technical organization, and you are quietly devote their guests.

Gajeva 6/1 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
tel: 01 4831 444faks: 01 4813 010
mail: web: www.otours.hr
Dubravka ŠtenglManager
tel: 01 4921 720faks: 01 4813 010

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